Match with brands and influencers


Which prefecture has the most Instagrammer in Japan?

Guess which prefecture has the most Instagrammer in Japan? Surprisingly Tokyo is not even ranked in!

According to this graph, number one prefecture that has the most Instagrammer is Toyama prefecture and 2nd Aich, 3rd Fukushima. The bottom is Ishikawa Prefecture.

Let’s see facebook now and #1, Fukushima, #2 Tottori, #3 Saga and the bottom is Gunma.

Now Twitter, #1 Kyoto, #2 Hokkaido, #3 Tokyo and the bottom is Ishikawa. It’s interesting that Twitter is popular in Tokyo not even the major SNS platform such as Instagram and Facebook.

We, YS MEDIA AGENCY INC is specialized in matching platform between brands and influencers and multi channel network for creative creators / influencers. We enable you to generate original content with influential content creators that can drive new costumers through SNS such as YouTube and Instagram.