Match with brands and influencers


Instagram trending topic in Japan

The first half of the year in 2019 has passed and 5 more months until the next year. Let’s take a look at the trending topic / hashtag on Instagram in this past 6 months!

 Trending word

1, Ataoka

2. Tapiru

Japanese call boba drinks “tapioca” instead, so tapiru means the short version of word saying “let’s go get tapioca drinks”

3. Eguitee

4. Bien

Bien is the word from popular Japanese YouTuber Kemio. He is known as the person who creates his own unique word and young people are copying him. The meaning of the word is pretty much nothing, just a funny sound.

5. Agemi

Agemi is also the word from Kemio. Agemi means when you’re super excited about something.


1, Tapioca (Boba)

2. Cheese foods

3. Shaved ice

4. Souffle omelet

5. Cheese cake


1, Scarf

2. One shoulder tops

3. Clear accessories 

4. Hair band

5. Winding accessories 

Cosmetic brands



3. 3 CE


5. Dior

Boba shop

1, Gong cha

2. Chakashou

3. The Alley

4. Bull Pulu

5. Mottram


1, Cafe no.

2. Ichibico

3. Pariya

4. Chavaty

5. Mottram

Most of the stores are based in Tokyo, you must check out when you’re in Japan!


We, YS MEDIA AGENCY INC is specialized in matching platform between brands and influencers and multi channel network for creative creators / influencers. We enable you to generate original content with influential content creators that can drive new costumers through SNS such as YouTube and Instagram.