Match with brands and influencers


How Much Money Does YouTube Pay You for 1,000 Views?

Have you seen a video with a million views and wonder how much does that video make? Let’s talk about how much popular youtubers actually make for 1,000 Views.

As we all know, PewDiePie have 94 million subscribers and he does make random contents like funny meme, but someone who has channel more related to an adult contents like business or entrepreneur with less subscribers would get pay way more than PewDie Pie because advertisers are willing to pay more money to put an ad to the videos like business related. This comes down to what’s called CPM – cost per thousand views.

How YouTube actually calculates how much they pay their creators is how much they can charge advertisers to show ads on those same videos, so somebody making ads about software or things that cost a lot of money are gonna make more per view than somebody making random videos about funny stuff memes like PewDiePie.

Based on my friend’s CPM, I think channels like PewDiePie gets paid around $1-2 max per thousand view. It sounds not a lot, but he gets 10 millions and more views per video, it’ll adds up very quickly. $1 per thousand view is still $1,000 per million view, but hundreds of other videos are being played every single day at the same time. So PewDiePie has over 21 billion views on his youtube channel so if you do the math, even $1 CPM is 21 million dollars and that’s how much he made from YouTube. And if his CPM is $2, it double the price so 42 million dollars. Either way, he is making few million dollars every month just from YouTube.

On the other hand, business channels does tutorials and stuff that actually provide value would get paid over $30 even $40 per thousand view. It’s crazy how price is different this much.

If you’re starting a new channel from now, it might be a good idea to start a valuable channel not channels that does funny stuff.

We, YS MEDIA AGENCY INC is specialized in matching platform between brands and influencers and multi channel network for creative creators / influencers. We enable you to generate original content with influential content creators that can drive new costumers through SNS such as YouTube and Instagram.