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9 Lessons People Learn Too Late In Life

We are going to talk about 9 things that people learn too late in life. If you’re teenager or early 20s, 30s, or ig you’re just young at heart, I promise you’re gonna read this whole article so you can save yourself from the mistakes that most people make and regret for the rest of their lives. Stay tuned!

#9 Don’t be afraid of criticism

This is one of the biggest killers to creating the life that you want. Are you always scared of what other people are going to say or think about you? There are always some people who will dislike you and what you are doing so don’t bothered by those 20% of people who will dislike you no matter what you say or do. At the end of the day, it’s you’re life. Ask yourself, who do you want to be? Do the things that you wanna do and live the life that you wanna live.

#8 Happiness is your choice

Lots of people think that happiness is something that some people have and some people don’t. but the truth is happiness is a choice.

Obviously it’s not easy choice, since it takes daily hard work to be happy. Happiness comes from progress, if you’re making progress towards your goals every day, you’ll feel happy from inside. It doesn’t matter if it’s loosing weight, being in shape, start making money on online. Happiness is progress. Don’t just wait to something that makes you happy happen because it won’t. Only you can make yourself happy.

#7 Always be yourself

Society, parents, friends or everybody around you are going to make you one way. You have to always think for yourself. Be your own person. Question things. Everybody have their opinion about what you should be, but be your own person. Don’t change for somebody and don’t allow yourself to be something you don’t want to be. As soon as you become happy with who you are, you’ll feel better and fulfilling overall.

#6 Life is not fair

This is very unfair for those who is fair people. People have unfair advantages. When people have it, they’re accumulating those through networking.  Foe example, when people are getting government contract, it’s not an actual lottery. Somebody just knows the person in charge and they win. And when you’re always try to make life fair, you’ll always feel like victim, so it’s better to go work harder to create unfair advantages instead. And when people start complain about your unfair advantages, that’s when your hard work pay off. Don’t victimize yourself.

#5 Everything is temporary

This one isn’t meant to be sad, just meant to wake you up. For example, it’s ok to not to talk to old friends anymore. People have different lifestyle than before, moving to different places, so be aware of the fact that things change and everything is temporary. So enjoy the moment. Enjoy the relationships that you have right now, because you can never be able to go back in time. Don’t take them as granted and love the people around you and be happy. Remember everything is temporary and all good things come to an end.

#4 Live in the now

Always remember, whatever you’re doing now, you’ll never get that second back. People tend to focus on the future and think about what they want to be, but focus on the NOW in order to make that dream come true because future is the culmination of NOWs. Time is the one universal constant. Billionaires and homeless people both have the exact same amount of time in the day, but one of them is taking advantage of it, and other one is not. Make sure to take advantage of all of the time you have.

#3 The world is selfish

People are selfish and the world itself is selfish. People who are genuinely generous are very rare and that’s just way that it is but you wanna be aware of it. Majority of people you meet in your life are mainly concerned with themselves and overall selfish. Yes, there are some good people out there, but as I mentioned, they are very rare. For example, when you are selling product, you wanna be careful not focus on yourself but focus on your what client wants.

#2 Nothing really matters?

When something negative happens, you might think that’s the end of the world, but it’s not. You might think it is for a second, and people will laugh at you or make fun of you for a second, but they’ll move on and nobody cares at the end of the day. Things don’t matter that much so don’t be scared to take risk and do the things that you want to do. Start living your own life not based on what people think or say. The best way to start is to create daily habit of not caring what other people think and understand the fact that things just don’t matter. Also if you’re doing something to impress people, you’re not gonna be happy. Start doing thing for YOURSELF.

#1 Health is wealth

Nothing matters if you don’t have health. Even mo amount of money in the world matters if you don’t have your heath. We all die with nothing, we can’t take all of our money with us so never ever sacrifice your heath to try to make more money. Eat healthy food, do some exercise and try to live a healthy life because that’s what matters the most at the end of the day.

We, YS MEDIA AGENCY INC is specialized in matching platform between brands and influencers and multi channel network for creative creators / influencers. We enable you to generate original content with influential content creators that can drive new costumers through SNS such as YouTube and Instagram.