Match with brands and influencers


The Science of Motivation

Why are you sometimes motivated but sometimes not? What is the actual science that backs up motivation and more importantly, how can you always keep your motivation high? We’re going to talk about why some people are more successful and driven while others struggle to get ahead. Motivation is like a power. When you think about plants, they don’t just grow naturally by itself. They need energy and that’s exactly same as motivation. Once you understand the science behind motivation and where it actually comes from, that is when you can start to capture it.

#1 Super strong emotions

They first key is to understand super strong emotions. Being successful is hard. They constantly beat down and a lot of people just never make it. The only way to make it work and stay motivated when things get tough, which is called super strong emotions, is to have someone who you truly love or truly hate. The loved one who will support and maintain your motivation, or your hate towards job, average life boss or something you truly want to change. So the first key to staying motivated is to channel the strongest emotions that we have access to hate and love to maintain motivation even when things get tough.

#2 Expectation

You have to believe truly deeply down in your soul that anything is possible. If you don’t believe you can do it, then you can’t do it. Also you have to have complete belief that you have 100% control over your life. What happens in your life has a direct correlation with what you do with your time. If you’re watching netflix and browsing instagram 10 hours a day, you probably not gonna be successful as someone else who’s working hard and day in and day out to build their dream life.

There are lots of people who have vision and ambition but not enough believe in themselves. Even if you have the biggest ambition and dream, if you don’t believe in yourself, you cannot stay motivated to make your dream come true. So the best thing is to write down your dreams and goals and hang them everywhere around your house and face it even if you don’t want to hide it.

#3 Progress

Tony Robinson describes happiness as making progress. How does it feel to check of the final task of your to-do list? It literally makes you happy. So look at your golas everyday and look at what you need to do and make progress on those goals. Part of your goals should be long term goal and part of goals are things that you can be doing everyday. As you get closer to your goals, you get a chemical release in your brain that makes you feel happy. What that chemical does is that to maintain your motivation so that you can keep going even things get hard.

So put both future goals and everyday goals everywhere (literally everywhere) and the most important thing is to make progress on those goals. Momentum keeps motivation going.

#4 Attitude of gratitude

Attitude is so important to your life. Two people can be in the same building, same room, same situation at the same time and one person can be having the best day of their life and the one person can be having the worst day of their life. One thing that differentiate who’s having the best day and who’s having the worst day is is your attitude about the situation.

Situation itself is inherently the same but people’s interpretations and attitude about the situation either makes them incredibly happy and incredibly sad. Remember there are so many negative people in the world. People who want to drug you down, completely given up on their life, try to ruin your dream but you have to have outlook on every single day that you can be happy and you can grow as a person and you can make progress. Don’t let those negative people affect on your life. If you cannot be grateful for some reason, try to give something to the world such as volunteering, traveling or something makes you grateful.

Even if you are having the worst day of your life, there are always someone has a worse situation than you. If you have your health, that’s all  you need. Please remember to be grateful for what you already have. The more gratitude that you have in your life, more gratitude breeds into motivation. And the motivation breeds into momentum and one day when you realize, your life can completely change.

#5 Daily environment

You have to set yourself up to win. It can be as small as organizing your room or desk. We are able to work harder and make more progress towards our goals when we are in an organized environment It helps with focus, focus helps with motivation. If you work from home and having hard time focusing at your own place, go to starbucks or communal workplace such as wework. It’s important to know what is preventing you from maintaining that motivation in your life. Maybe dirty room? you cannot work from your house? I don’t know and nobody know, so you have to figure it out by yourself.

Not only an environment, but also who’s having in your daily environment has massive effect on your motivation. If you’re around negative people who told your idea is stupid or won’t work and have those types or people in your life is they will keep drag you down. So you have to be make sure that you get yourself around like-minded people. It’s the key to maintain your motivation.

We, YS MEDIA AGENCY INC is specialized in matching platform between brands and influencers and multi channel network for creative creators / influencers. We enable you to generate original content with influential content creators that can drive new costumers through SNS such as YouTube and Instagram.