Match with brands and influencers


How to Gain Instagram Followers Organically in 2019 (ZERO to 5000 Followers FAST!)

Today we’re gonna be breaking down how to grow your Instagram fast the right way. A lot of people teach you how to use all these bots and followers on all the fake stuff, but Instagram is smart and they employee some of the smartest people in the entire world to shut down bots and shut down fake accounts.  So spending your energy, time and money to try to grow your Instagram using all these fake stuff is just going to bite you at the end of the day.

So today we’re gonna talk about real top 5 strategies that you can use starting today to grow your Instagram organically with real people.

There’s millions of people go on to Instagram every single day and  if you’re a business, if you have a product to sell, if you have a message, Instagram is the best way to get your message, brand or product out to your customer.

#5 Cycling your hashtags

Shadow banning = when you use the same hashtags over and over again, then the Instagram algorithm considers you potentially spanning and Instagram will stop giving you the boost for those hashtags.

So you have to act like a real person and the way you do is called cycling your hashtags. By using five hashtags one day and using completely different five hashtags the next days the next day can avoid shadow banning.

#4 Mixing up your hashtag size

Different hashtags have different numbers of actual posts.  For example, #business has millions of posts and it would be difficult to rank on to the explore page and get your Instagram out there being see by other potential people and customer. So it’s important to focus on having hashtags some of which  are very popular and some of which are not. Try to look for some hashtags that have a lot less actual posts and also mix in some that are much more popular. You’re gonna have much more likelihood ranking for those particular hashtags and being seen on people’s explore page or in their feeds.

#3 Community engagement

When you actually make posts, a lot of people think that you make a post and then that’s it. But Instagram is always trying to evaluate whether you’re a bot or real person and if you’re real person, and then they will show stuff to more real people because they want to have the user experience for Instagram user be between real people not between people and bots.

So when you get comments, reply and check their profile because that’s real human behavior. When you do things like these, Instagram is tracking all of it; click profile, how long you stay on a profile, what you liking, what you’re commenting, what messages you’re sending and so on..

As a result, when you’re engaging with your community, it’s going to increase your connection with your followers and then they’re gonna be much more likely to buy from you and also means that you’re proving to Instagram that you’re more likely to be a real person, which means they gonna be more likely to show your stuff to real people.

#2 Leveraging your bio and handle

People tend to put first and last name in their bio, but what you should do instead is optimize the SEO because you can use your bio as a place to put your keywords.

For example, if you’re big YouTuber who’s selling your digital course on online, you can put YouTube master instead. So that Instagram will see it and think this profile must be something to do with YouTube and your profile is gonna be much more likely to show up than someone who has same contents with just a name in bio.

#1 Capitalize on your captions

People read captions much more than people think and not only is that true, but Instagram also scans through your captions and uses it for SEO as well.

First, understand your target market is and then cater your captions to be most interesting to them because if people are reading your caption, they’re interested in you, profile, and they’re much more likely to make purchase from you. So treat it like your own little blog. Just write about what you are thinking about, revelations you had in your life, business, things that has changed your life, things made you happier and so on. These are depends on what your target niche is, but use the caption space and put some effort into it. Also don’t forget to check your competitor’s captions too!

Good luck and you got this!

We, YS MEDIA AGENCY INC is specialized in matching platform between brands and influencers and multi channel network for creative creators / influencers. We enable you to generate original content with influential content creators that can drive new costumers through SNS such as YouTube and Instagram.