Match with brands and influencers


How instagram changed our lives

Instagram was launched on 2010, which is almost 10 years ago from now and during that 10 years, there were so many changes happened in terms of internet. The internet connection was so slow and frustrating, not many apps were widely available, all those web pages looked so old, thick iphone, thick computer and so on..

And now, 10 years after Instagram launched, almost every single person have their own smartphone, laptop, tablet, computer, or even smart watch and internet access is widely available to almost anywhere in the world. How did that changed our lives? How did all those “useful” internet environment changed our lives?

When we only had limited amount of internet access, we had more time to spend on something else. There are many things that we can do more with internet access compare with past, but there are many things that we lost at the same time as well. Maybe we had more connection with people who we care about in person. Maybe we used to go out more and spend time outdoor more. Let’s focus on our lives with Instagram and without Instagram now.

After Instagram launch in 2010, it rapidly got popular and gained one million users in just one month. If you are using instagram since the year they launched, you must get tired of using it by now.

When you are addicted to something, your mental health is not how it used to be. Your thoughts and even behavior changes because of addiction. Do you have someone in mind who check Instagram every time they have some extra time? Or someone who is on the phone checking SNS all the time even when they are with someone? Yep, that’s addiction. When you say “addiction”, it might sound like a big deal, but it really is when you really think about it.

Try to spend a day without checking SNS. You’ll see yourself that you try to check social media even when you’re unconscious. That’s how we become addicted to something. You practice checking your phone or SNS every single day that it will become one of your habits and it is affecting your everyday activity in a negative way.

Without Instagram, you’ll have more time to focus on yourself not someone else’s picture perfect life. And you will not have to compare your life to someone else’s fake picture perfect life. It’s way more healthy for your mental health and your brain. Yes, it is useful to search some cool picture or fashion icon on Instagram nowadays, but when you get into something too much, it becomes toxic for your body.

So try to reduce time you spend on social media and your smartphone in general because it will be life changing experience for good. Try to do meditation instead of scrolling your Instagram feed you will see the difference in your body.

We, YS MEDIA AGENCY INC is specialized in matching platform between brands and influencers and multi channel network for creative creators / influencers. We enable you to generate original content with influential content creators that can drive new costumers through SNS such as YouTube and Instagram.